10 ok, hogy újra gondold weboldalad

’Fresh?’ – Give your site visitors something new and fresh to look at. Update your website with relevant content so people keep coming back and search engines like websites that are constantly updated with new content. ‘Tools?’ – Well designed website incorporate a wide range of tools like blog, rss, FAQ, e-commerce, photo gallery and […]


Fontos és klassz webdizájn trendek

Web design has has seen a dramatic change in recent years. As have the platforms used to access websites – mobile and tablet use has increased exponentially. So what are the current web design trends? Responsive layouts (adapt to different screen sizes) Simple navigation Clean and minimal layout (long pages are common) More white-space around […]


Hírlevelet küldenél? Ezt fontos tudnod előtte

Self-hosted email application Using your email program or a self-hosted application (eg. a CMS plugin) can be dangerous because you may be labeled a ‘spammer’ or blocked completely (by Google or any other spam-blocking service). Your server usually has daily limits for sending newsletters. Read more here to learn about third-party newsletter services and special solutions […]


Reszponzív dizájn

Why is Responsive Web Design so important? We now build all our websites with a responsive/adaptive layout. This means no matter which device they are displayed on – phone, tablet or desktop computer the website’s page will reformat to suit the device, ensuring it remains user-friendly. This technique first appeared in 2012, and prior to […]


Mi az az SSL?

What is https and how does it work? HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is an internet communication protocol that protects the integrity and confidentiality of  data between your computer and a website. For example, when you enter data into a form on a site in order to subscribe to updates or to purchase a product, […]

